Is the prospect of Christmas making you mildly anxious?

Are you already in a sweat about ‘surviving’ the festive period?

Whether it’s the traffic you’re dreading or managing the extended family, here’s five super simple rituals to help you thrive during the holiday season. Actually, any season.

These small, daily rituals can make a BIG difference in how deeply you experience the holidays, and your life.

Feel free to begin implementing them right away…

Here they are:

Immediately upon waking: drink a glass of water

Your body loses water while you sleep, so you wake up dehydrated. A glass of water helps kick-start your system…especially if you’ve been hitting the dance floor or festive drinks the night before. Extra points if you add a dash of lemon juice. When do you drink your first glass of water each day?

Every morning: name your daily ‘top three’

Christmas schedules can get pretty darn hectic. It can get so busy we don’t even really experience the holidays. Keep your inner peace by asking yourself, “What are the three most important tasks for me to complete today?” then use the answers as a compass to navigate your day. So, what’s your top three today?

As & when required: manage your mind

Christmas, and changes to your normal routine, bring up all sorts of emotions. Some of them are a delight to unwrap, some of them you might want to bolt from – anxiety, for example. If you do find yourself feeling anxious, just state it – “I’m feeling anxious.” There…you said it. Once you acknowledge what you’re feeling, you’ll feel better. Getting real is always the first step towards feelin’ good.

Every day: get your sweat on

Our bodies are works of art (yes, even yours). Mother Nature designed them to move. Movement keeps us healthy, boosts energy and mood, and relieves stress. Make it your intention to get your sweat on every day for half-an-hour, even if it’s only three blocks of walking for 10 minutes. How will you get your sweat on today?

Every evening: express your gratitude, deeply

Gratitude fosters happy endorphins and connects you to the here and now. Every evening, perhaps as you’re brushing your teeth, pause and reflect on these three questions:

“What surprised me today?”
“What am I grateful for today?”
“What touched my heart today?”

Be really specific so you benefit from the heightened feeling of appreciation.

So…your turn, sweetheart.

What surprised you today? What are you grateful for today? What touched your heart today?

Happy holidays E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E xxx

Mistletoe love etc, Avril

PS: We all know the adage – “first we make our habits, then our habits make us”. If you’re tired of struggling with eating or exercise habits that keep you overweight and need a hand changing them, drop me a line. Why not let 2013 be the year you create the body you love?


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