How to have more control around food…

How to have more control around food…

  I’d love to be able to say, “I never overeat”. But that would be a fib! However, compared to where I used to be – when I’d graze, nibble and snack my way through the day – things have changed massively. Do you want to know the #1 mindset shift...
How the F–Word helps weight loss…

How the F–Word helps weight loss…

  OK, so it’s January and if you’re like most women around the world you’ve decided focus on your health. Good for you. Your teeth are gritted, your fists are clenched, and you’re telling yourself “this time will be...
How Netflix is making us overweight…

How Netflix is making us overweight…

What’s subscription telly got to do with me being my happy shape and size? It’s a valid question. Then… Do you remember in the olden days, when we’d watch an episode of Dukes of Hazard or David Attenborough’s Our World and we’d wait...


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