As a hypnotherapist who helps women end emotional eating, I’ve heard my share of ‘stories’:

– “I’ve been overeating a lot this year – ever since the redundancy.”
– “My child is seriously ill and I can’t stay away from the lollies.”
– “I’m in the middle of a divorce so I snack on junk all day.”

And so on, and so on…..

Here’s the thing: life happens.

We don’t get to choose the cards we’re dealt.

But we can choose how to play the cards we’re dealt.

How we play our cards depends on 1. what we focus on and 2. how we tell our story.

These two aspects shape our world….and…

…they also determine our weight.

For example, if you focus on how “hard it is to lose weight” and that specific thought is on high repetition in your head, I can promise you it will be hard.

And, if you tell yourself that “when things get tough I need chicken crisps” (when you aren’t even hungry), guess what, you’re setting yourself up so that you will strengthen those habits.

So, what is the answer?

If you’re in the habit of overeating when life feels hard, what can you do?

You re-focus on the good.

I am truly blessed to have ________ in my life right now.
I am so happy and grateful for _______ in my day.
With all my heart, thank you for _________ .

Think about today, last day, week or month and actually list the good bits.

Think about the good. Focus on the good. Be grateful for the pockets of good in your life.

Then focus on your eating with these thoughts in mind.

And create your new story around food.

There are things you’re doing to help yourself be the shape and size you want to be.
What are the things you’re doing that are self-loving and nourishing.
Name the aspects of your body for which you can be grateful.

And notice how with this shift in focus, how buoyant your new story feels and from this springboard of gratitude you will start getting different results.

And yes, it takes practice, but like anything you get better with practice. Choosing to re-focus on something positive and tell a new story is a choice you can make every day.

A bad day or week or month doesn’t have to become a bad year. Allow yourself to feel sad, cross whatever it is you need to feel, then re-focus on the good again.

If one person can learn to re-write their story around food no matter what life deals them, then you can too.

Love etc, Avril

PS: If you’ve got a story that you can’t seem to cahnge, drop me a line and we can re-write it together with hypnotherapy. Let’s pen a new story for you – one of glowing health, a bounce in your step and you being your happy shape and size.


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