“When I’ve lost weight, I’ll go on holiday.”

“When I’ve lost weight, I’ll be more confident and speak my mind.”

“When I’ve lost weight, I’ll feel sexy and invite that cute boy out for coffee.”

Sound familiar?

“When I’ve lost weight, I’ll: buy that little black dress…go to my school reunion…have the courage to ask for that promotion…have the energy to play with my grandchildren….go to the beach… leave the lights on …. quit hiding from cameras… sign up for salsa lessons.”

I’ve heard all of these comments from clients.

What about you honey?

How often do you think you need to ‘weigh less’ so you can ‘live more’?

You’re in good company. Most of us women do.

Sadly, we lose vast swathes of our lives ‘waiting on the weight’, forgetful of the fact that we can’t recycle time.

We put our heart’s desires on hold until “I’m slimmer”. Or, “Until I feel more confident”.

We wait.

And wait.

And wait some more.

While we wait, we get bored, stressed, frustrated.

And, what do we do when we’re bored, stressed and frustrated?

That’s right, we eat. And, it’s not salad that we snack on…

All that boredom munching does nothing to help you fit into that little black dress or turning up to salsa lessons.

Vicious cycle for staying stuck

You can see that trying to weigh less so you can live more is the perfect way to stay stuck. Stuck in a body and life you hate.

Consider this.

What if you stopped waiting on the weight?

What if you decided that you don’t need to be slim to ask for that promotion, attend your school reunion, spice things up in the bedroom or the beach, rock a little black dress salsa-ing the night away… hopefully with the cute-y?

All of a sudden your life is full, your soul is nourished and you don’t need to full your mouth with food to get that dose of pleasure.

You wake up every morning and you look forward to getting out of bed because your life is a B.L.A.S.T. You’re replete without reaching for your fork.

After a while, you notice that you can fit that little black number – all without going on a restrictive diet.

Can you see this is the only way to lose weight?

Here’s how…

1. Think of one thing you stop yourself from doing because you’re ‘waiting on the weight’.

2. Now ask yourself, “If I were at my happy weight, what would I do?”

3. From that place of confidence, picture yourself doing what you want to do. It’ll be scary – that’s normal. If you feel afraid, ask yourself, “Is it really scary or is it just different?”

4. Practice makes perfect. Be committed and rehearse that scene in your mind. If this is difficult at first, that’s okay. Take your time and set the intention to reduce the power your weight has over your decisions.

Use this technique to plant in your mind the inner seeds of success. Repeat it daily until taking action, living passionately and in-the-present, is your new normal.

Love etc, Avril

PS: Frequently, when we want to shed weight, we focus only on nutrition and exercise. Clearly, they’re vital factors but there is a third pillar – your mind. If your mind isn’t in the right place, no amount of diet and exercise will help, because you’ll self-sabotage. If you think you need a hand sorting your mindset, let’s talk.


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