Are you worried about the amount of sugar your child eats?

Do you feel concerned at the quantity of sodas and ‘energy’ drinks your little one consumes?

There was a time, when sodas and chocolate-sprinkled treats were eaten at birthday parties or special gatherings like Christmas.

Can you recall the old days when sugary foods were considered an ‘occasional’ food, not an everyday food?

Over the years, the amount of sugar children eat has increased dramatically. Now, it seems that everything is sweetened with sugar, from cereal to yoghurt.

Many, many mums I see share their concern and despair at how much sugar junior is eating.

It seems that nothing they do – no amount of nagging, restricting sugary foods in the lunch box, or even threats of dentist visits – seem to reduce the passion for the sweet stuff.

Maybe you’re there right now. What’s a mum to do?

As a weight loss hypnotherapist, what I do is help many of these concerned mums kick their own sugar habit. Here’s a story I share with them….

A woman came to see Mahatma Gandhi, waiting in line for more than half a day with her son at her side in order to have an audience with him. When at last it was their turn to speak to him, the woman said,

“Mahatma, please. Tell my son he must stop eating sugar. It is ruining his health, his teeth, it affects his mood. Every time he has it, I see the change in him and there is nothing I can do to stop him from eating it, and then eating more. He’s a good boy, but when it comes to sugar, he becomes a liar and a thief and a cheat and I’m afraid it will ruin his life. Please, Gandhiji, tell him to stop.”

Gandhi looked at the boy for the longest time as he cowered there, trying to hide in his mother’s sari. Finally, Gandhi broke the silence and said,

“Come back to me in two weeks time.”

Two weeks later the woman returned with her child and once again waited in line for hours before finally it was again their turn to see the Master.

“Mahatma,” said the mother. “We have returned. We came to you for help with this boy and eating sugar and you asked us to come back after two weeks.”

“Yes, of course I remember,” said the master. “Come here, child.” He motioned the boy forward.

The boy, at the urging and prodding of his mother, disentangled himself from her sari and stepped up to the Mahatma who reached out, putting his hands on the boy’s shoulders and pulling him in close. He looked the boy squarely in the eye and said, firmly,

“Don’t eat sugar,” then released him.

“That’s it?” said the mother. “That’s all you’re going to say?” She was flabbergasted. “Why didn’t you just tell him that two weeks ago?”

“Because,” replied Gandhi, “Two weeks ago I was still eating sugar.”


Sorry if that stings a bit.

While it might seem that our children don’t listen to what we say because they’re busy goofing off, growing up, being a kid – they do watch everything you (and dad) do.


So next time you ask them to “leave that chocolate alone”, ask yourself “What example am I setting?”

Love etc, Avril

PS: Giving up sugar can be hard – it’s so ingrained in our culture now. If you know that you need a helping hand to let go of your own sugar addiction so you can lead by example for your family, c’mon over, drop me a line…


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