“But Avril, I’ve let myself go so far for so long there’s no point even trying anymore.”

It’s something I hear a lot as a weight loss hypnotherapist for women.

What they’re really saying is:

Unless they can turn back time and look like a super slim 20-year-old, then there’s no point in taking care of themselves in any way shape or form.


That would certainly mean that 99% of us are out of the game!!!

I get it.

As a woman – in this very looks-based society – ageing can really suck!

But know I’m not ready to sit on the sidelines of life.

I’m guessing you’re not either, gorgeous.

So what can you do?

Just start.

Just start… wherever you are.

Even if you’ve gained 100 kilograms… just start.

Even if you’re still wearing stretch pants from the nineties….just start.

Even if you’ve not done anything for yourself since you’ve had kids or you started your own business…. just start.

It’s never too late to do what you can do for yourself. 

But you’ve got to get off the sidelines.

Get back into the game of life.

Get off the sidelines of life.

It’s time to play!!! Life is waiting for you! XO


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