How to lose weight by dropping the inner mean girl…

How to lose weight by dropping the inner mean girl…

  Nothing takes the spring out of our step more quickly than a critical comment made by the wrong person at the wrong time. How ironic then that the meanest person that we will ever encounter is the one living in our own heads! You guessed it; today we’re...
Are you a mum on the weight loss journey?

Are you a mum on the weight loss journey?

If there was a simple everyday activity you were doing at home — which was potentially setting your daughter up for future weight issues — you’d want to know about it, wouldn’t you? You need to STOP doing this in front of your daughters If you’re a...
Why It’s Impossible To Hate Yourself Slim…

Why It’s Impossible To Hate Yourself Slim…

Who hasn’t fallen into the trap of, – “When these lumps and bumps and wobbly bits have gone, then I’ll love my body.” – Or, “I’ll enjoy my reflection and shop for clothes when I’m slimmer.” – “Yeah, sure I’ll moisturise my thighs when...


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