3 Simple Tips to Avoid Christmas Weight Gain

3 Simple Tips to Avoid Christmas Weight Gain

  At this time of year, there’s a question on many women’s lips. “What can I do to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain?” Firstly, I encourage you to question the idea that it’s “compulsory to gain weight over...
The best thing YOU can do if your child is ‘overweight’

The best thing YOU can do if your child is ‘overweight’

  Are you a mum? And are you worried about the eating habits of your child? Many mums share that nothing they do – no amount of nagging, no amount of worrying, no amount of restricting what goes in the lunch box– seems to change their kids eating habits. So...
What kind of ‘mind control’ is hypnotherapy?

What kind of ‘mind control’ is hypnotherapy?

  Will hypnotherapy make me reveal deep, dark secrets? Or do embarrassing things against my will? It’s a great question. You’d be amazed how often I’m asked. Many women are understandably nervous about the idea of ‘mind-control’. Fortunately,...
How to minimise snacking at work (or home)

How to minimise snacking at work (or home)

  This week’s making peace with food tip is all about stacking the deck in your favour in the workplace. But you can use this at home as well. What do I mean? As you sit there now, look about yourself. What foods are in your line of vision? Maybe they’re...


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