Are you ready to overcome overeating?
Say goodbye to dieting and hello to peace with food.

I work with smart, busy women who want to feel in control around food, like you.

But night-time bingeing, secret eating and emotional eating sabotages your good intentions.

It’s frustrating and leaves you wondering, "If I'm so smart, why can’t I get it together?”

As a recovered emotional eater, I can let you in on a secret.

It doesn't matter how smart you are, or how many diet books you've read because you need to address the mindset component.

Our mindset is the missing piece of the weight loss puzzle.

That's when you're able to experience natural, sustainable, and peaceful shifts in your eating habits that result in improved confidence, health, and weight loss.

And I want the same transformation for you.

Lighten up gives you the psychological tools you need to reactivate a peaceful relationship with food, so food isn't a battle anymore — and you can release the excess weight.

If you...

  • were told as a child to "eat it all up", and now it feels impossible to leave food
  • feel like food is your only default (when stressed, angry, bored, depressed)
  • crave chips or chocolate, and once you start, you can't stop (hello, guilt spiral)
  • wish you could have one or two biscuits and put the rest away for tomorrow
  • have a firm grasp on other aspects of your life but struggle when it comes to food

Does this sound like you?

Like most women I work with, you've had some success following the fitness industry advice of "eat less, exercise more". Maybe you've been able to drop a dress size for a special event, a wedding or a holiday. But the weight always returns because you use food to deal with uncomfortable feelings like anger, stress, grief, and depression.

Imagine a life where you never had to diet again. Imagine enjoying a more harmonious relationship with food, being able to look in the mirror and like who you see. No more deprivation. No more emotional eating. Just an effortlessly healthy lifestyle and a body you are proud to call home.

What would it be like if …

  • You felt so comfortable around food you're able to stop eating when you're satisfied — and forget about eating for hours afterwards. (you can even leave food on your plate!)
  • You're able to reach and maintain your happy shape and size with ease.
  • You're free from food cravings so you can focus on your business, your to-do list or planning your next holiday (borders will open eventually!)
  • You confidently deal with uncomfortable situations like saying "no" without turning to comfort food
  • Your inner critic is muted, which means you're far less concerned with what other people think of you, so you can confidently be more visible in your business.
  • You've made peace with your past, meaning you go beyond intellectually 'knowing what to do to release the weight'—to consistently doing it. Making healthy food choices, eating smaller portions and moving your body feels easy!
  • You trust your inner wisdom and intuitively choose the right food for you: no more guilt, confusion or energy wasted with the 'good food vs 'bad food' debate.
  • You love that you can enjoy your favourite foods and be satisfied after a couple of mouthfuls.
  • You feel confident — not only in your body — but in who YOU are as a woman.

What's included:

Lighten Up is a blend of psychology, hypnotherapy and self-love.

It's a six-week self-study programme that gives you the transformational tools you need to reactivate your peaceful relationship with food, so food isn't a battle anymore — and you can release the excess weight.

It's specifically designed for women because in 10 years of private clinic work, I saw everyday how we carry weight for reasons specific to our lived experience in the patriarchy (like protection from the male gaze).

Specifically, you will receive:

The powerful virtual gastric band hypnosis programme — five hypnosis sessions which help you to feel satisfied with smaller portions of food.

Mindset tools — As well as the profoundly healing hypnosis sessions, you'll receive weekly mindset tools and techniques to support you in your journey. Each tool covers a critical topic for a specific aspect of the weight loss journey, e.g. controlling cravings, portion size and binge-eating, self-sabotage, reclaiming power from the past.

Lifetime access — to all the material (even after the six weeks end). You can access it anytime, from anywhere, for life.

In summary…

…As well as rewiring your eating habits at the unconscious level, you will leave this programme with powerful mindset tools and techniques that will stay with you forever.

If you've been stuck in negative self-talk, hating photos of yourself, and feeling shame around food, there's something missing cannot be found in a diet.

Lighten Up helps you with the missing piece and guides you to healing at a mind, body and energetic level.


Lighten Up isn't only for women of a specific physical size. Because we all know women who're rocking their curves, and that's a beautiful thing.

This programme is for women at an EMOTIONAL point in time. You're tired of self-sabotage and the bathroom scales derailing your to-do list.

Frankly, you're so exhausted by your inner critic — you're too tired to rock anything. (and these beautiful women come in all physical shapes and sizes).


  • Reactivating being able to trust yourself around food: you're proud of your ability to stop at one biscuit, one bowl of ice cream or a handful of chips.
  • Rewiring your brain on a neurological level, so you feel 'safe' to lose the weight — you no longer need the protection.
  • Resetting your eating habits at the unconscious level means you no longer need to 'white knuckle it' and use willpower to say no to that third glass of wine.
  • Healing childhood programming that kept you stuck in destructive eating patterns (like, eat everything on your plate) means you can confidently 'walk your talk' and role model healthy habits for your children.
  • Taming your inner critic, so she becomes a loving cheerleader and treats you with kindness (even when life is bumpy)
  • Permanently cutting emotional ties with food meaning even if people around you are eating sugary foods, you're able to say no with ease.
  • You've successfully changed the way you feel about food and created easy, do-able healthy habits — that are easy to maintain. Goodbye, dieting and hello, sustainable, joyful weight loss!

Lighten Up isn't for you if...

  • you're after a strict meal plan and want your food choices dictated to you. (Lighten Up is about you reconnecting to your bodies wisdom so you can intuitively choose the right foods for you. There's no food police here!).
  • if you're wanting to lose 10kg in 10 days, or you're looking for a 'magic wand' this isn't the programme for you either.
  • if you're not open to new perspectives, ideas or ways of looking at the world, there's probably another programme more suited to your needs.

I'm Avril,

My mission is to help women make peace with food so they can live the joyful life they genuinely crave. It's easy to assume I've always had a harmonious relationship with food.

But I used to secretly binge-eat chips, chocolate and liquorice allsorts. Then, I'd run for three hours to 'work off the points'. It wasn't until I transformed my thoughts, feelings and habits — with hypnotherapy — that my relationship with food and my body changed forever.

I get it. I lived it. And I want to help you do the same.

For this week only Lighten Up is available for
AU$333 (normal price AU$555)

Lighten Up only opens a few times a year. Because it's a self-study programme, it's a lower investment than it would cost to work with me 1:2:1 (but the results are equally as powerful).


I'm so confident in this programme, I'm giving you the chance to try it on for size, risk-free. If, for any reason, in the first 30 days, you don't love it, I'll refund you. No questions (and no hard feelings!)


Copyright 2021 - Avril Carpenter - All Rights Reserved