Archives 2019

Yes! Your smartphone can you help with weight loss…


This week’s tip is one of my favourites because it’s easy, it’s effective, and it appeals to my laaaaazy side.

And it’s brilliant at helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

What is it?

What I encourage you to do is take a photo of an item of clothing — that you REALLY want to be able to wear — that is one size smaller than you currently are.

It might be a t-shirt, a dress and pair of knickers.

What I encourage you to do is add this photo to the lock screen on your phone.

The lock screen on our smartphone is very valuable real estate because we look at our phones hundreds of times a day.

You might resist this because…

…you’ve got a picture of your children or grandchildren or your pet.

But swapping that photo of your pet, your children or grandchildren, with that item of clothing that is one size smaller than you currently are — and you really want to wear —what it does is keep your goal top of mind, which is a great place for your goal to be.

Now, this appeals to my lazy (or my efficient!) side because once you’ve set it up, the system is supporting you, every time you look at your phone.

You’re reaping the dividends, every time you pick up your phone and log in. How cool is that?

So go try it.

Go take a photo of an item of clothing that you want to wear that is one size smaller than you currently are.

Heads-up: Please don’t be tempted to go for an item of clothing several sizes smaller than you currently are.

Because that big leap can lead to perfectionist thinking (which is a self-sabotaging behaviour).

And if there’s a part of you resisting this because you’re thinking “this is way too small to make a difference!”, remember to support yourself and that small steps add up to radical change over time.

I hope you found that helpful.

If you’re looking for long-term sustainable weight loss, the virtual gastric band hypnosis can help.

C’mon over to Lighten Up.



Do you eat and drive?


Today I’d like to talk about your driving habits.

You might be thinking what have my driving habits got to do with my weight?

Quite a lot as it turns out!

Here’s why: distracted eaters, overeat.

So, for example, this week I worked with a sales rep whose job requires her to spend a tremendous amount of time in the car.

While driving from A to B she’d frequently find herself devouring an entire bag of cashew nuts or crisps or sweets – without even realising BECAUSE SHE WAS SO DISTRACTED BY THE TRAFFIC.

So, do yourself a favour and stop eating while driving.

If you spend time on the road, find yourself a picturesque place to pull over, and eat your crisps, cashews or pick and mix.

Eat them slowly, savour them, enjoy them – without distraction.

Just because you can eat and drive doesn’t mean you should!

I hope you found that helpful.

If you’re looking for long-term sustainable weight loss, the virtual gastric band hypnosis can help.

C’mon over to Lighten Up.



What kind of crazy diet is this virtual gastric band?


Lots of women ask me, “so what kind of crazy diet is this virtual gastric band?”

Just so we’re clear, the virtual gastric band isn’t a diet.

We all know how depressing and frustrating and miserable they are, right! Arrgh…

It’s NOT a diet.

The virtual gastric band is a lifestyle change.

It’s a natural, organic and peaceful process where you start to tune in to your body and make healthier choices.

Here’s the thing: all of us—including you—are born listening to our bodies.

It’s in our DNA.

Unfortunately, a multi-billion dollar food industry has made food more and more addictive, mainstream media is constantly feeding us with images of unrealistic perfection, and often past baggage can cause us to disconnect from our body’s instinctual intelligence.

It’s heartbreaking.

But this ‘conditioning’ is reversible with the VGB hypnosis.

It helps you reconnect with your body and all her instinctual intelligence.

And, because it’s not a diet, you are able to shift the weight without feeling hungry or miserable or deprived.

Or, any of the other issues that cause diets to fail.

If you’re ready to embrace a sustainable lifestyle change virtual gastric band hypnosis can help.

C’mon over to Lighten Up.



Are you eating foods you hate (while trying to lose weight)?


Here’s a question for you.

How often do you make yourself eat superfoods or foods you don’t like – just because you’ve read somewhere or heard somewhere that they’re healthy for you and will help you shift the weight?

If so, you’re going to love today’s tip.

Something I’ve noticed in many of the women I work with is this.

They force themselves to eat foods they detest just because they’ve heard they’re healthy.

I’m giving you permission to stop.

Stop eating foods you don’t like.

For example, a recent client shared how much she hated lettuce.

It was fascinating how much she hated lettuce. Her concern was she’d never become her happy shape because she didn’t like lettuce.

Turns out, she loved kale, tomatoes, cucumber and plenty of other nourishing-straight-from-the garden- full-of-goodness foods…. just not lettuce.

Here’s the thing.

She was beating herself up because she was a non-lettuce lover!

The key to long-term sustainable weight loss – the key to becoming your happy shape and size is making it a lifestyle change.

So, find the healthy foods that you do enjoy – AND ENJOY THEM!

Make sense?

If you’re looking for long-term sustainable weight loss, the virtual gastric band hypnosis can help.

C’mon over to Lighten Up.



True or false: can negative thinking really limit weight loss?


Sounds strange – very strange indeed – but it is true.

Negative thinking can limit your weight loss.

Here’s how.

When you think negative thoughts, you influence the biochemistry of your body.

When you think negatively, your body floods with cortisol and adrenaline.

Cortisol and adrenaline = stress hormones

They’re both stress hormones which cause your body to hold onto extra weight.

While I’m not saying negative thinking actually contains calories, it’s clear that what happens in your head directly influences your body.

Now, I’m not suggesting for a minute that you need to remain in a state of “life is wonderful” every second of the day to lose weight.

But what I am suggesting is breaking that insidious habit of perpetually seeing things worse than they are.

Here’s how to do that.

Remind yourself of this truth:

Your mind creates thoughts like the heart creates beats.

Just because we have thoughts in your head, doesn’t mean we need to believe them.

It’s just your mind creating thoughts.

So the next time you’re tempted to go down a negative rabbit hole of worry, anxiety, negative thoughts – remind yourself that the mind creates thoughts like the heart creates beats.

I hope you found that helpful and I look forward to seeing you next week with another making peace with food tip.

If you’re ready to feel more in control and confident around food, the virtual gastric band hypnosis can help.

C’mon over to Lighten Up.