How to lose weight AND help the starving children


As a child were, you taught to eat everything on your plate?

And now, as an adult, it feels almost sinful to leave any amount of food on the table — no matter how bloated your tummy?

Most of the women I work with grew up with this rule.

And, as you may have found —without hypnosis — it’s one of the hardest habits to break.


Have compassion for yourself

Firstly, if you were raised with the well-intentioned guilt trip of “you have to eat everything on your plate because of all the starving children in the world,”

….I want you to have some compassion for yourself.

No wonder you have a sense of shame around leaving food on your plate or putting it in the bin.

After all, those starving children right.

Take back control with some logic

When we apply logic to the dinnertime rules we grew up with, we can take start to take our power back.

Think about it.

You eating everything you your plate helps those starving children — how exactly?

You knew that logic was flawed even as a child, didn’t you!

The only thing that guilt trip achieves is to teach us to ignore and override our body’s instinctual fullness signals — which sets us up for weight gain.

Please send it to the children

If you really want to help the starving children, what I encourage you to do is purchase, cook and serve smaller meals.

All that money you save on your shopping bill, send it to charity.

And with the smaller portion sizes, you’re no longer using your body as a waste bin either.

How practical and tangible is that?


PS: Your mum was coming from a good place. It’s probably she grew up listening to Aunt Gertrude’s stories of food storages from the Great Depression.

PPS: Remember eating everything on your plate is just a habit, and all habits can be changed. If you’d like help resetting unhelpful eating habits so you can be your happy shape and size, Lighten Up might be for you.


How to lose weight (and stop blaming your mum!)


As a child, were you taught to eat everything on your plate?

If yes, today’s blog is for you.

The soundtrack to many of our childhoods was our mum or dad’s voice saying “you’re not leaving the table until your plate is clean, Missy.”

Growing up with this mealtime rule means many women – adult women – are stepping away from their dining tables feeling extremely bloated.

So if you’re saying “I can’t lose weight because my mum made me eat everything on my plate” then…lovely…

It’s truth time.

I’m declaring a statute of limitations on how long we can blame our parents for how they raised us!!!

You’re not a child anymore.

I get it.


Maybe you were punished if you didn’t clean your plate. Hundreds of women have shared memories about how there was:

-no telly

-no ice-cream

-no toys

…. until the plate was clean.

Who’s the boss?

Here’s the thing…

when you were six, your mum was the boss of you!

But who’s the boss of you now?

Anytime you overeat into that place of “omg my waistband is too tight”, that’s YOU punishing YOU.

You’re an adult now.

You have choices you didn’t have as a child.

When are you going to hand in your resignation to your parents’ Clean Plate Club? It’s well overdue!!!

Eating everything on your plate is a habit, and habits can be changed.

And I promise, your mum will be totally fine with it!

If you’d like help removing your mum’s voice from your head – so you can be the boss of you and how much your eat- then Lighten Up might be for you.