What kind of ‘mind control’ is hypnotherapy?


Will hypnotherapy make me reveal deep, dark secrets?

Or do embarrassing things against my will?

It’s a great question.

You’d be amazed how often I’m asked.

Many women are understandably nervous about the idea of ‘mind-control’.

Fortunately, it’s a myth.

That is propagated by many stage hypnotists, who like to push the rather silly but hilarious idea that they have absolute and complete power over the participant in their stage hypnosis show.

What we see in the movies and Hollywood is pure and utter fantasy as well.

Hypnotherapy is NOT a method of me magically controlling your mind.

Instead: it’s a way of YOU learning to have more control of YOUR own mind.

Contrary to popular belief and myths, no hypnotherapist can make anyone do anything that is against their fundamental value system.

Because our unconscious mind has natural defences built in which will automatically reject any suggestions it deems as harmful. The unconscious mind is really clever like that.

If you choose to participate in my Virtual Gastric Band programme – or if you decide to work with one of the many wonderful hypnotherapists around New Zealand – YOU WILL REMAIN IN CONTROL AT ALL TIMES.

I hope you found that reassuring – and soothing – and I look forward to seeing you next week.

If you’re ready to feel more in control and confident around food, the virtual gastric band hypnosis can help. C’mon over to Lighten Up.



How toxic people impact our weight


A common theme with clients this week has been the impact of toxic relationships on their weight.

These clients have recognised that their comfort eating increases in direct response to the amount of time they spend with the ‘challenging’ people.

For some, it’s consistent unnecessary comments from their boss. For others it’s a repetitive nosey question from a family member.

It’s easy for an intrusive question to trigger that fearful part of us (that then wants to seek comfort in the pantry).

Here’s a tool that is a game-changer for handling those awkward moments that are so prevalent in day to day life.

Use this elegant tool so that you can stay calm, feel safe and reduce comfort eating.

It’s called Bean Dipping

Bean dipping is the art of redirecting conversations.

Like “have you tried this delicious bean-dip?”

For example:

Aunt Myrtle: “How’s your thesis coming along? You seem to be taking forever.”
You: “Thanks for asking Aunt Myrtle! It’s coming along great. Have you tried the hummus?”

Dad: “When’s your boyfriend going to make an honest woman of you?”
You: “All in good time, Dad! How’d your doctor appointment go?”

Mother: “Why don’t you hurry up and make me a grandmother?”
You: “Haha, you’re funny! How was your holiday, Mum?”

Sister: “How much did your flash new car set you back?”
You: “Worth every penny, sis! Where are you guys going for the school holidays?”

The idea is to give as little information as possible and immediately change the subject.

Some easy bean dip responses: the weather, sports stuff, or respond back with a question of your own.

Now, it’s totally up to you. You can talk to friends and family about personal stuff.

But if they’re judgy or you find it triggers you into panic (and next minute you’re elbow-deep in a packet of crisps)—stop sharing so openly!

Have fun with it.

Go try the bean dip today. It’s delicious, lol.


If you struggle with toxic people and your weight, the virtual gastric band hypnotherapy can help. Why not drop me a line so you can start to feel safe to become your happy shape and size.

IT’S COMING AGAIN…I’ve had a bunch of emails asking when the doors open next for Lighten Up. If this was you, and you’d like to be notified when the doors next re-open, please pop your name here.