What To Do When Someone Else’s Weight Loss Makes You Feel Like Sh*t

What To Do When Someone Else’s Weight Loss Makes You Feel Like Sh*t

You know it’s irrational.

It’s uncool and a wee bit silly.

Other women’s weight loss stories are supposed to be inspirational, “woohoo, if they can do it, so can I!”

But let’s be honest.

Sometimes, those tales of weight loss joy – especially if you’re on a plateau – can make you feel like sh*t.

You’re moving your body, doing everything you know you must do, and when someone does it faster or easier or with less (apparent) effort, you lose your faith.

You’re human.

It’s very easy to regress to the foot-stomping three-year-old as you whine, “What’s WRONG with me? When will it be MY turn? Coooome on!”

A client I saw this morning, for her third VGB session, sums this up perfectly. She’s been eating mindfully and slowly, eating smaller portions of nourishing, unprocessed foods.

Since she’s the boss chef in her home, her husband is also eating healthier fresher foods.

And guess what?

You know it!

He doesn’t even want to lose weight, yet he’s dropped more weight than she has.

So, what can we do when other people’s weight loss puts you in a self-sabotaging strop? How can we harness the green-eyed monster and use it as a motivational tool?

1. Learn and Apply

In a nutshell, weight loss is a recipe. Sure, we’re all unique and what works for you doesn’t automatically work for me, but if someone has achieved what you want, doesn’t it make sense to ask them how they did it?

Ask them.

What specific strategies did they use? How did they stay motivated? How did they overcome their stumbling blocks?

If they can share even ONE thing that helps you achieve your goal, it’d be worth getting curious, don’t you think?

2. Celebrate

Rather than using other people’s success stories as ammunition to beat yourself up, why not celebrate their triumph? Go on, be nice. By appreciating their successes, you get to share in their delight, be a part of it.

I’m a pianist of little talent, but when I listen to Chopin, I am invited to share the beauty and joy of his world.

Why limit yourself to only celebrating YOUR successes? The world is MUCH bigger than you, princess (note to self!). And by celebrating other people’s success, you’ll be rehearsed with your own happy dance when your time comes.

3. Comparison is a No-win Game. Ever.

Hearing about other people’s successes is not an excuse for you to quit your journey. Since when was losing weight a competition or race? Your weight loss is about you. Their weight loss, them. Period.

If you keep taking old-fashioned consistent action Your. Time. Will. Come.

There’s always someone who’s slimmer, funnier or has more pots of gold. You have no idea what their journey is all about. So stick with your own journey.

Persist. Persist. Persist.

Love etc, Avril

PS: If someone else’s weight loss joy is causing you to self-sabotage your own, hypnotherapy can help. Why not c’mon over here and start your own journey…

