Conventional wisdom holds that less than 10% of people achieve what they set out to do.

Personally, I disagree. I think it’s closer to 5%.

So, why do the vast majority of us fail to see our goals through to the end?

Perhaps it’s a local 5km fun run you’re considering? Maybe you’re building up momentum to ditch those extra pounds, once and for all?

Whatever health goal you’ve been pondering – today, you’re going to discover the no.1 reason why people give up.

They lose their HUNGER.

We all know how jazzed-up you feel when first you set your goal.




Wonderful, isn’t it?!

Taking action is so eeeasy! But as time passes… your excitement fades, your actions cease. You’re no longer hungry.

I know I’ve been there before.

To achieve any goal, you need a slow-burning fuel. And, that slow-burning fuel contains the following ingredients:

i. Create rituals that re-connect.

To achieve your goal, you must stay connected to it over time. You need regular rituals that remind why you started the journey in the first place.

If you’re running the local 5km, you might create a ritual where every time you have a cuppa, you reflect upon why it’s important for you to cross that finish line.

Are you running to raise money for charity? Or is it so you become healthy enough to be around for your grandchildren? Is it a way of developing more pride in yourself?

There’s no right or wrong here. The key is to find something that ‘speaks’ to you.

Really take the time to feel an emotional connection to your goal. Once you feel excited, energised and re-invigorated, you know that your ritual has been successful and you’re on your way.

ii. Hang with supportive peeps.

If you want to stay hungry enough to achieve your health goals, you need to hang with peeps who have your back.

You’ve probably heard the saying: we become the average of the five people we hang with the most.

The key is to consciously choose the people you let into your world. Choose people who are on the path to a similar goal as yourself, or have already done what you want to accomplish.

They’ll lift you when you’re struggling, call you on your excuses, kick your butt or hold your hand – whatever the situation requires to keep you hungry.

But if you hang out with people who criticise your goal – and any changes they see in you – you’ll descend into a negative whirlpool, even if you are normally a super-positive individual.

iii. Develop an ‘It’s inevitable’ attitude.

In order to stay hungry enough to keep on keeping on, you need to develop an unshakeable belief in yourself. This is non-negotiable.

Health goals, especially if they’re something entirely new, can be daunting. Very daunting.

That’s where the ‘It’s inevitable – it’s just a matter of time’ attitude is very powerful. It’s the secret weapon to ensure the goal you commit to will be reached.

Not might be reached.

Not could be reached.

It will be reached.

Whatever your goal is, decide right now, that it will happen. No. Matter. What.

It’s not a matter of how or if. It’s a matter of when.

It’s just a matter of time. Because with enough energy, enough action, it is inevitable.

Notice how, when you shift from “Meeh… it’s possible” to “Yeah buddy, it’s inevitable”, your hunger increases.

Closing thoughts.

So, dear reader, I encourage you to mix these three key ingredients, in no particular order, and notice how you develop a powerful, steady slow-burning fuel that will keep you energised – and hungry – on the journey to achieving your health goals.

It’s just a matter of time.

Love etc, Avril


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