Archives 2013

Ducks, Clocks + Being Overweight: WHAT Exactly Are You Waiting For?

Let me repeat the question for you.

“Sweetheart, what are you waiting for?”

I’m not asking in a nagging, castigating way.

I’m genuinely curious.

What is it that you tell yourself ‘needs to happen’ before you start taking action on your hopes and dreams – that dream where you’re the shape and size you want to be?

Find your pen + paper and….

Write it down. Write down what specifically ‘needs to happen’ before you feel “I’m now ready and able to start taking action.”

When you’re clear – really, really clear – about what you’re waiting for, it makes it far more likely that you will commence and decreases the chance that you’re merely indulging in procrastination.

So, go on, answer the question.

“What needs to happen before you make your health a priority…before you start taking the steps you know you need to take to start becoming the shape and size you want to be?”

Good on you.

Well done.

And darling, know this…

Life doesn’t start when your ducks are in a row. It’s happening right now.

Tick tock…..tick tock….tick tock…. just take the first step. N.O.W.

Timely love etc, Avril

PS: If you’re struggling to start, or you start but can’t and stay on track, hypnotherapy can help. If you’re ready to stop waiting and start starting, and feel you need a helping hand, drop me a line. That’d be a really great first step….

Have YOU got a FAT HEAD?! 8 Signs Your Head Is Keeping You Overweight

As strange as it sounds, only your mind stands between you and the silhouette you covet.

Your mind has the potential to make you the shape and size you want to be.

But it can also do an eye-wateringly good job of sabotaging your healthy intentions.

Every time.

Yes, it’s admirable to buy the gym subscription, and read every healthy eating article you can lay your hot little hands on. Go hard if you want: rote learn the calorie content of every morsel that passes your lips.

But all of that will be of little use if you do not also learn to master your own mind.

We’ve all been there…..yes or yes?

You desperately want to lose weight ….but:

– “I just can’t stop my cravings for chocolate, sweets, or other ‘bad’ foods.”
– “I know I need to move my body more but I just can’t seem to get motivated.”
– “I know cheese + mince pies aren’t widely acknowledged as being nutritionally complete but I can’t seem to make healthier choices.”

Depressing, right?

And that little voice just chats away in your head, doesn’t it?  “Seeeeeeee, I toldddddddd you …. you’ll NEVER be the shape you want to be!!!!” as you make a beeline to the biscuit tin.

All is not lost, darling.
It’s not over until it’s over.
You’re still above ground, right?!
You’ve still got time to change.

But – before you can hope to change your body – you must first be aware that it’s your head that’s stopping you from losing weight.

So, have you got a fat head?!

If you struggle with your weight or are tired of the on-off-on frustration of dieting, here are 8 sure signs it’s your head keeping you overweight.

1. You know HOW to live a healthy lifestyle …. but…. well…. you just don’t DO it, even though you’re desperate to have this monkey off your back for good.

2. You can’t seem to stay consistent with healthy actions for an extended period of time.

3. It’s like there’s a tug-of-war battling away inside you. This battle is between the part of you that wants to lose weight and the part of you that fights it. And darn it, it’s the fighting part that always wins as you overeat and avoid exercise.

4. You simply can’t imagine ever having a struggle-free and easy relationship with food or your weight.

5. You continue to do the same things over and over, getting the same results – that you do not like – and you tell yourself “maybe, hopefully, someday ‘things will change”’.

6. You refuse to get the help of a professional because you think you should be able to ‘sort it out’ on your own.

7. You consistently search for and collect food and exercise and motivation tips while ignoring where 95% of the problem really is – the part between your beautiful ears that stops you from taking action with those tips!

8. You don’t like the reflection you see in the mirror and feel hopeless to do anything about changing it.

The bottom line is this…

If you’re unhappy with your weight – and you’re not getting the results you seek – there’s something going on in your unconscious mind preventing you from being your happy, healthy weight.

And no amount of dieting can remedy that.

If you’re sitting there thinking “I just need to harden up and sort it out”, know this. If you could ‘sort it out alone’, you’d have done it by now…….right?!

But what if you were to ditch your fat head and get a weight loss mindset?

Then what?

Imagine that sweetheart…

Love etc, Avril

PS: Real permanent change can be challenging. If you’re struggling and you’re really really ready to be your happy weight, hypnotherapy can help you release your unconscious barriers so you can be the shape and size you choose to be. Ooh la la…

PUT DOWN THAT DIET: 5 Reasons Why Diets Simply Don’t Work. (Or, Not If You Want A Fun-Filled Life Anyway)

You’ve already seen me talk about why dieting is not the answer to lasting weight loss.

They’re about as much fun as a poke in the eye and our bodies are cleverly engineered to resist them.

But, given an estimated 70% of women at any one time are dieting – I figured it was worth revisiting the topic.

So before you decide to join the dieting majority, let’s re-visit exactly why diets don’t work so you can save yourself from the seductive allure – and endless frustration – of the diet treadmill.

Diets are really hard work

Dieting is hard work because it relies on our willpower to keep us ‘on the right track’.

We all know that willpower is plentiful in the beginning when we’re desperate to lose our muffin top (say, any given Monday), but willpower ebbs and flows.

Or rather, it ebbs and ebbs some more, with the pressures of day-to-day life.

We all know that sense of frustration when, by about Wednesday evening, all that will power has evaporated. Right?

Diets make you crave like a crazy person + make food the enemy

Research shows that no matter what your size, diets create powerful cravings for the exact food(s) your diet prohibits

And, we all know that anything that’s repressed, becomes the obsessed.

“Think sugar…… cheese….chips…..mmmmmmmm”.

Food is not the enemy. It’s the way you behave around food that’s the issue here, and no diet will help you with that.

Diets fail to address the emotional aspect of overeating

You’re probably already aware that we often eat to help deal with emotional problems, rather than just physical hunger.

As in, we turn to food for emotional comfort – like anger or loss, or after a stressful day at the office or a row with a loved one.

More specifically, overeating can be caused by early life trauma. In one study of 286 obese people, half had been sexually abused as children, for example.

No diet can teach you how to deal with your emotions. Or release previous trauma.

Diets do not address day to day habits

Diets teach you nothing about healthy eating.

Yes, you will lose weight while you’re ‘on’ the diet. But get this – 95% of people who lose weight by dieting will regain it in a year.

Depressing, hey?

When you’ve “completed” your diet you’ll boomerang straight back to the unhealthy eating patterns that caused your weight gain in the first place.

Your old eating habits will creep back in, no matter how much weight you’ve lost, and you’ll find yourself back at square one.


Diets cause our metabolisms to slooooow down

Restrictive diets lead directly to the Starvation Response.

And, since your body is super smart and doesn’t want you to starve, it responds by slowing your metabolism, which we all know, makes it even harder to lose weight.

Permanent lifestyle change – the first step

In a world full of foodie temptations, celebrity cooking shows and the rush rush of modern life, it’s admirable to want to be your happy, healthy weight.

I salute you!

The first step is to lose the diet mentality. In fact, the first thing I get all my clients to do is forget everything they’ve ever learned about dieting.

Yes – everything!

Becoming your healthy, happy weight is about making subtle, permanent changes to your daily habits.

Diet-free love etc, Avril

PS: If this diet-free zone sounds like a bit of you + if you’ve decided that you’ve had enough of the diet treadmill and you’re ready to embrace long term habit change while still enjoying your food, c’mon over, let’s have a chat.

Comedy or Tragedy: What’s YOUR Weight Loss Story?

So, what’s your story, sweetheart?

No, really…. I’m curious – what’s your story.

“What? Is she insane? I don’t have a ‘story’!!!”

We all have stories, honey. Every single one of us.

Let me repeat the question…

What’s the story you tell yourself that prevents you from being the shape and size you choose to be?

As in, what’s the line you give yourself – usually completely below your radar – that keeps you from being your happy weight?

Power of stories

See, here’s the thing.

Stories have enormous power. They create our reality. Whatever we believe in our minds and hearts, we become.  We ‘live out’ our stories in our day to day.

Ironically (and sadly), these ‘stories’ are often completely untrue and have no scientific or factual foundation. But we still believe them!

For example, people who believe ‘I’m one lucky son of a gun’ find they are lucky as they go about their day. Conversely, people who feel “unlucky” find loads of evidence that ‘proves’ their lack of luck.

Here’s the kicker – we actually delete any evidence that goes against our story.

For example, say your story is, “Menopause adds 10kgs” then you’ll unconsciously ‘delete’ or ‘forget to notice’ all those post-menopausal women who didn’t add that extra 10 going through the change.

Incredible isn’t it! Our unconscious mind will go so far as to delete any evidence that’s contrary to your story.

First things first

Since our stories are so powerful in creating the life we live, you need to make sure that your story is a positive one, as in, one that supports your weight loss goals, instead of sabotaging them.

But, first things first.

The first step is to get clear, real clear, on exactly what your current story is so you can let it go and create a freer, lighter, more joyful story that leads to weight loss.

Find your own story

You can find your own story by finishing this sentence.

“I can’t lose weight because….”

For example:

Everyone in my family is overweight. I’m just following family tradition…
I really love pies / chocolate / chips….
I haven’t got the time / money…
I’m too busy looking after my kids / parents…
I’ve got big bones…
I’m a foodie…
I’m allergic to gyms…
I’ve always been overweight so I’ll always be overweight…
I have no willpower….
I have a slow metabolism….
I hate vegetables…
I just love food….
I’m a mum. Once you’re a mum, it’s game over…
I hate exercising…
I have to eat when I’m bored / stressed / lonely….
Since my knee replacement / sports injury / operation I can’t lose weight…

Which of those stories touched a nerve with you? Maybe reading this list triggered a few of your own stories?

Sometimes our story might be around a medical condition. Even these stories can be changed.

For example, several months ago a lovely client who’d struggled with her weight since she was a teen, had the story, “Because I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome weight loss is difficult for me.”

Once she changed her story to “POS is not the boss of me – I can become slim, fit and healthy with or without POS” – she did. She lived out her story. Metaphorically, she tore the pages out of the unsupportive story and penned herself a new one.

You can do it too.

I admit it can be depressing coming face to face with the story (or stories) that’ve kept you stuck at your unhappy weight, especially if you’ve been overweight for a while, but it is a starting point.

We’ve all got to start somewhere.

The great news is that once you’ve identified your story, you can change it, rewrite it, start with a clean page.

Remember, anything you tell yourself, you will find evidence for and live out, so make sure the story you’re telling yourself is a good one!

Love etc, Avril

PS: If you’ve got a story that you can’t seem to amend, drop me a line and we can re-write it together with hypnotherapy. Let’s pen a new story for you – one of glowing health and you being your happy weight.

Do YOU Have The ‘F’ Factor? The Delightful Correlation Between It + Your Weight

Wow – who can believe it’s the end of January already?

Time is flying.

These last four weeks have been super-exciting.

I’m loving working with a bunch of gorgeous women (and a couple of smart gents) who are nailing their NY’s weight loss resolutions.


Today, I thought it’d be helpful to share with you something that I notice with a lot of clients. Perhaps it can help you at home with your resolution?

Where is the fun?

Frequently, in the initial conversation with clients, what comes to light is the extreme lack of fun in the lives of these hard-working women.

They’re often workaholic perfectionists, eager to please others, and they very often put other people’s needs first, while depriving themselves.

When clients describe a typical day, frequently there’s not much in the 24 hours that they actually really, truly, deeply enjoy.

Their days mostly consist of sleeping, eating, working, looking after the children or parents, doing errands/housework and watching television.

Where’s the space for play?

Or joy?

Or fun?

They often mention “feeling trapped” or just going through the motions until “I get a new job / the kids leave home / I find prince-charming”.

Bored, bored, boooooored.

Mostly (not always, but often) these women are bored out of their minds. Unsurprisingly, food is their only joy.  There’s a very definite connection captivity and addiction.

I completely ‘get’ this. It reminds me of when I was most obsessed with food, eating (ahem, overeating) was the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel of a long day.

When I ask these good folk what stops them from fun-ing up their day, here’s what they share:

“Having fun feels like a waste of time – I should be working.”

“Having fun costs money.”

“None of my clothes fit and I don’t want to go shopping until I lose weight.”

“I hate leaving the house because I feel like everyone is judging me for being fat.”

“I feel like when I lose weight, I’ll have more confidence and then I’ll have fun.”

You can see how these women are waiting on the weight.They’re effectively putting their lives on hold until sometime later.

Until then it’s the land of not much fun.

As they wait, and wait and wait.

Here’s what I think is going on

Most of us women – irrespective of our weight, nationality, schedule, age, marital status, income – have a hard time allowing ourselves permission to create the time and space to have fun.

Especially those of us who are success-driven or family-orientated. We’re conditioned to give, give, give and provide, provide, provide.

We see ‘fun’ as a selfish waste of time and so it drops to the bottom of the To Do list.

Making it happen

Our biggest problem isn’t our wobbly tummy, our lack of time or money, our crappy job or the late night kitchen visits – our biggest problem is that we’ve stopped putting in the effort to make our lives A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

Fun is a muscle that you have to work. Every day.

Yes, it takes some serious work. But it can be seriously fun.

And, when you’re having more fun, you no longer need food to comfort or rescue you from your boredom, so you naturally lose weight.

So, the question for you

How can you create more fun in your life? What do you need to start saying ‘no’ to so you can create the space to up your fun quotient? A smattering here, a sprinkle there.

Work that fun muscle!

Love etc, Avril

PS: If you’re one of the many workaholics or busy mums who feel it’s ‘selfish to have fun’ – know this: there’s NOTHING big, clever or pretty about being a martyr.

Ironically (and delightfully), it is by adding more fun to your day and creating time to take better care of yourself that you’re better able to serve others. If you need help putting yourself first so you can better serve others in your life, perhaps we need to speak. I’m here to help…..