Archives July 2020

How to Stop Overeating with the E-Word…


Is this you?

How many mornings do you promise “today I’m going to start eating smaller portions!!!!”

But when you sit down at your computer after lunch, you wonder how the waistband of your trousers got so darn tight!

Here’s something I want you to ponder next time you’re tempted to eat a portion size larger than your body requires.

Ponder this…

There’s PLENTY of food.
There is more than ENOUGH food.
There’s an ABUNDANCE of food.

Obviously, there are food shortages in certain countries around the world, and that’s a tragedy.

But if you’re living NZ, Australia, UK, USA Europe – there’s oodles and oodles of food.

So …. all we have to do is remember that truth when we sit down at the table.

When we remember…

Because when you remember that there’s enough food – you’ll eat the perfect amount for your body.

Scarcity and anxiety…

But when we forget there’s enough food, we feel anxious and our scarcity-mindset kicks in, and we eat far more than we our body needs.

We eat to excess to compensate for the feeling of not-enoughness.

So, remember this ….

There is enough food.

And while we’re at it, let’s go a layer deeper….

There’s enough food, AND you too are enough.

Remind yourself of your enoughness before, during and after every single meal.

OK, lovely?

If you struggle remembering there’s enough food, and the truth that you too are enough, you might like to join the 100s of happy women who’ve made peace with food in Lighten Up. Next round starts in July.