Archives May 2012

Weight Loss & The Secret to Profound Change

Today’s video may surprise you.

Beverley was pushing 50 and had spent her entire life overweight.

Imagine that. Her entire life.

In this 15-minute video you’ll see how she drops over half her body weight.

More important than the drop in dress size, though, is her new-found joy and freedom.

She positively sparkles.

So the question is…

What could empower a 350 pound “chronically obese” grandmother to shed 230 pounds -from a size 28 dress to a size 8 – without invasive surgery or magic pills?

Watch and learn, and be very, very inspired.

Love etc, Avril

PS: If you’d like some of Beverley’s transformation for yourself, enter your email in the top right corner (of Tony’s page) and you’ll get access to the entire intervention + all the How To’s, so you can do this at home.

How Often Should I Weigh Myself To Lose Weight?

It’s one of the most common questions from weight loss clients.

If you asked a bunch of fitness gurus you’d get answers ranging from “Everyday” to “You’ve got scales? Biff ‘em out the window!”

What’s a girl to do?!

Here’s a look at the Pros + Cons of weighing-in so you can choose what works best for you.

Little Miss Everyday

At first glance, weighing yourself daily seems like a good idea. Immediate feedback, you can see whether you’re on track or not, catch trouble early and correct it.

And, according to the National Weight Control Registry, 44% of their members who have lost 15kgs, and kept it off for more than a year, weigh themselves daily.

So, some compelling evidence for the daily weigh-in.

But…and it’s a big but…. you need to ask yourself “Can I handle whatever it is the scale has to say?”

I ask this because many clients admit they use the number on the scales as a way to self-sabotage.

For example, you’ll have noticed your weight fluctuates from day to day, irrespective of what you’ve eaten or how you’ve exercised.

As women – depending on the time of the month – we can effortlessly fluctuate a kilo or three with fluid retention alone.

Even though logically we know it’s physically impossible to gain a couple of kilos in a single day, seeing the daily fluctuation will make most women feel flat and too disheartening to handle.

We already know how easy it is to skip a workout or be tempted by the second serve of chips when you’re feeling flat or disheartened.

Another trap of weighing yourself every day is that it can become a measure of your self-esteem.

We’ve all been there.

We get that it’s JUST A NUMBER.

We also know how easy it is to have a “Whoop whoop, I so totally rock” day, (or, its nemesis, the “I so totally suck,” day), based purely on the where the needle sits at the morning weigh-in.

Little Miss Weekly

Weekly weigh-ins tend to be more motivating because you don’t see the daily (and completely normal) fluctuations.

Instead you’d see a weekly trend without being overwhelmed by daily information.

If you do decide to weigh yourself – daily or weekly – do it at the same time of the day and/or day of the week.

Remember that clothes do make a difference, so your birthday suit is best.

Also, weigh yourself before working out to get a more accurate picture. I’ve personally, ahem, ‘lost’ three kilos after a full-on work-out on a hot day. (It’s just fluid loss, darling).

And, remember, if you’re working out and eating well, but the scale jumps up, it’s probably fluid retention.

Focus on the overall downward trend, and if you plateau, keep on trucking.

Finally, keep in mind the scale is just one measurement tool. It’s no Holy Grail of your progress.

Little Miss Biff ‘em

Personally, I find the scales cause an unnecessary preoccupation with weight loss rather than the real prize.

The real prize is you feeling and looking fabulous, you bursting with energy, you being healthy.

Embarrassingly healthy.

Robustly healthy.

Deservedly healthy.

That’s the ultimate. I’m yet to come across a pair of scales that can accurately capture progress towards that goal.

For example, if you’re changing your habits (working out and eating well), you’ll get leaner, sometimes without getting lighter. The scales simply don’t have the skills to communicate this to you.

Instead, I suggest you track your progress by paying attention to the fit of your clothes or rings, and start noticing the new levels of energy and confidence you’re feeling in your body.

Remember there’s no right or wrong way. I’ve clients who’re (now) at their happy weight and weigh-in daily. Others have biffed the scales and enjoy the freedom of never weighing in.

So, honey, what are you going to do?

Now you know the Pros + Cons. You can benefit from the former, keep in mind the latter, and chose what’s right for you.

Be brave and share with us where you are on the scales issue. Do you weigh yourself every day, every week, or have you thrown the scales out? What measures do you rely on to track your progress and keep you accountable?

Love etc, Avril

PS: And remember darling, you’re so more than a number on a scale.

The Intersection Between Weight Loss & Book Writing

Now that my book is out (you can get your very own copy here), it occurs to me that writing a book and losing weight have surprising similarities.

1. Itsy-bitsy steps, over time, add up

There were many times I felt intimidated by the idea of writing a book. Initially, every time I sat down to write, I’d feel overwhelmed by how much I had to do.

Up I’d get, and go do something else. Anything else but write.

Finally, I scribbled this note on a post-it note on my screen, “Darling, just one page per day and you’ll have a 365-page book.”

What a perspective shifter.

Suddenly, the overwhelm vanished and I felt more in control. I no longer had to write a book. I just needed to write a few words. Every day.

That’s it.

That’s all.

That’s enough.

You’ll see many parallels with weight loss. If you set a goal to lose, say, 50kgs, you’ll overwhelm yourself all the way back to the baked goods section or confectionary aisle.

But, if you set sub-goals of losing a few kilos at a time, you make it much easier.

Watch as those itsy-bitsy steps – over time – add up to significant weight loss.

2. Writer’s block + the weight loss plateaus

I started the writing bubbling with anticipation. Chapters 1 through 3 flowed easily. “Writing’s a doddle,” I thought to myself. Prematurely, it turns out.

Because midway into Chapter 4, and wham-o. “Hello, writer’s block”. I had to dredge for every syllable, every full stop.

I nearly gave up. I collapsed in a “Anyone else can do this, but NOT ME” pile of self-pity.

After I’d simmered down, I recalled what I teach clients when dealing with plateaus and took some of my own medicine.

Whenever you climb a flight of stairs, there’s a landing. On the landing you level out for a bit, then, off you go again, up another flight to the next landing.

Everyone plateaus – E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E (this includes you). Accept them as part of the process.

3. Embrace the process

Initially I was fixated on releasing the book for the 1st of March. This meant a busy January, rushed February and hectic March: writing, formatting, editing, proofing.

In retrospect, I don’t know what the hurry was. Why the deadline?

The biggest irony is that when a client comes to me wanting to lose a specific amount by a specific deadline, I’ll say, “Sorry, honey, I can’t help you”.


Because, these deadlines only set you up for weight loss failure.

I encourage clients to focus on health and wellbeing and embrace the process. By doing this they become someone who manages their weight easily.

It requires a shift in perspective – from the short to the long term. With a long term perspective, it’ll be the last time you ever need to lose weight.

A deadline ruins everything. It keeps you focused on the short term, which is why we become susceptible to ‘miracle’ diets and quick fixes, instead of making a change – for life.

Similarly, because of my deadline, I felt frazzled. But when I forgot about the end result and embraced the process, I really started to enjoy the journey.

4. Some things take time.

From the time I finished writing, until the book was available online, felt like an eternity.

When you’re losing weight it’s universal to feel like the weight isn’t coming off fast enough.

In the midst of these doubts your mind plays tricks on you, you might consider giving up or trying something completely different.

Everyone goes through this.

The best way to deal with it is to be patient. Relentlessly patient.

Some things just take time. Losing weight is definitely one of those things.

And, that needs to be OK.

Love etc, Avril

P.S. If you got value out of this post today, please share it with the close friends in your life and your friends on FB or Twitter.

And PLEASE leave a comment down below with your thoughts, feedback, or any stories you’d like to share! Thank you so much! I appreciate you : )

Ignite Your Thinner Sparkle…

… is the do-this-then-that guide you’ve been asking (and, patiently waiting) for – to really bust your cravings, once and for all.

IGNITE YOUR THINNER SPARKLE is full of love and wisdom.

And, my seven favourite kick-your-cravings-in-the-pants techniques, all in hand-holding detail.

I wrote this guide to be encouraging. Really encouraging. Like cheer-you-on with flouncy pom poms and a choreographed routine, encouraging.

It’s for every one of you who’s tired of food being the boss of you.

It’s for you, if you’re tired of making weight-related resolutions, year after year…after year.

If you’re fed-up counting calories and you dread weigh-ins, this guide offers something a bit, whoops, I mean, a lot different.

No, food and exercise aren’t mentioned.

Not because they aren’t important (duh – clearly, they are). But you’re smart – you already know the Eat Less, Move More formula.

Your challenge is in applying the formula in your day-to-day. As in, doing what you already know.

As in, sure, you know dark chocolate is jam-packed with antioxidants, but how do you stop yourself from inhaling the entire block? Every day.

Perhaps, it’s a specific food that derails you.

Maybe, it’s overeating in general.

Either way, IGNITE YOUR THINNER SPARKLE has your back.

If you know you’ve had enough of being bossed around, and you’re ready to conquer your cravings, once and for all, she’s for you.

Get your sparkle on, right here.

Love etc, Avril x

How Embracing The V-Word Helps You Lose Weight

“We are the most obese, addicted, in debt, and medicated adult cohort in US history,”

reports Brené Brown, Ph.D and research professor at the University of Houston, in her TedTalk.

In her lecture, she illustrates how our ability to be vulnerable is directly reflected in the state of our lives (overweight, addicted, in debt or medicated)

She’s spent the past 10 years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame.

It’s a curious topic.

And, has some interesting implications for those of us on the weight loss journey.

Brown eloquently describes how we “numb” our way through life. We eat, drink, spend or medicate ourselves – anything to avoid uncomfortable feelings.

No surprises so far.

What is surprising from her research is this: when we numb one thing, we numb everything.

Apparently, we can’t selectively numb.

We can’t take the ‘bad’ stuff: fear, unworthiness, self-doubt, anger, jealousy, guilt,  shame, and say, “Well, I don’t want to feel those emotions”, so I’ll drink a bottle of pinot noir and eat three boxes of Oreos.

(Well, actually, you can do that. Lots of people do. I know I did.)

But, there are implications. Implications that explain why we’re such an unhappy cohort.

Because, when you numb the ‘bad’ stuff, you also numb the ‘good’ stuff.

When we overeat, we numb our capacity for joy, love, courage, passion, laughter, connection, gratitude, contentment, happiness, peace and excitement.

Numb one, you numb ‘em all.

And, we create a vicious cycle.

We start by feeling stressed and vulnerable…

…so we numb…we feel flat, miserable…we feel even more stressed and vulnerable…

…so we numb some more…

And on it goes.

“Thing is”, says Brown, “to live is to be vulnerable.”

Somehow, somewhere we’ve forgotten this truth.

Aside from the obvious numbing strategies of overeating, maxing credit cards, self-medicating – we’ve also created less obvious life-sapping strategies to ‘protect’ us from feeling vulnerable.

Like, we invest a ridiculous amount of energy making everything that’s uncertain, certain. We buy guarantees, schedule our lives to the last nano-second and over-analyse e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.

Or, we become perfectionists. We tell ourselves that if we do everything perfectly, no one will criticise us, and, well, we won’t be vulnerable. Exhausting, though, isn’t it?

Or, we blame. Ourselves, other people, or the world at large. It’s all the same. Sure, when we blame we discharge our pain and discomfort (and avoid being vulnerable), but how happy are we… reeeally?

We pretend.

We deny.

We hide.

We’re tremendously creative at avoiding vulnerability, aren’t we?!

So, what’s a girl to do?

Brown encourages us to embrace our vulnerability.

Numbing ourselves isn’t working. We’re not a bunch of happy campers.

She shares that, “Paradoxically, what makes people vulnerable also makes them beautiful.”

Because “Vulnerability is the birthplace of joy, creativity, belonging and love.”

So, how do we embrace the V-Word and be whole-hearted?

Be kind to yourself.

Be authentic and real.

Love with your whole heart. Even though there’s no guarantee your love will be returned.

Be seen. Deeply seen.

Practice gratitude.

Believe you’re enough. Now. (Right now). As you are.

When you come from a place that says, “I’m enough”, we stop screaming and start listening, we’re kinder and gentler to those around us and we’re kinder and gentler on ourselves.

You can see Brown’s lecture here. You’ll be pleased you did.

(Whole-hearted) love etc, Avril