3 tips for night-time eaters…

3 tips for night-time eaters…

  Are you a night-time eater? Many of the women I work with in the clinic or the online programme Lighten Up, are night-time eaters. It’s a very common issue. Many women talk about how it’s easy to stay on track during the day at the office, but from...
Overweight and Overwhelmed? Mind Your Language…

Overweight and Overwhelmed? Mind Your Language…

If you were using your words in a way that prevented weight loss, you’d want to know about it, wouldn’t you? Here’s the thing – our unconscious mind has a curious quirk. It’s a quirk that most people don’t know about. And because...
The correlation between fun + the no. on the scales

The correlation between fun + the no. on the scales

How much fun do you have in your day? No, really, I’m curious. The reason I ask is because something I’ve noticed with the many women I work with who are struggling with their weight—is the distinct lack of fun in their lives. They’re often workaholics, or...
When Someone Else’s Weight Loss Makes You Feel Like Sh*t…

When Someone Else’s Weight Loss Makes You Feel Like Sh*t…

Now, we all know that other people’s weight loss stories are supposed to be all inspirational — “woohoo, if they can do it, so can I!” But let’s be honest. Sometimes, their weight loss joy – especially if you’re experiencing your own personal plateau – they can make...


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