The Incredible ‘Weight Losing’ Power of Gratitude

The Incredible ‘Weight Losing’ Power of Gratitude

Today’s tip is about the healing power of gratitude. Counting your blessing has soooo man benefits for weight loss. For example, when we’re in a state of appreciation, our self-repair mechanisms work better, we heal more quickly, we digest our food more...
Tiny word makes a BIG difference to emotional eating

Tiny word makes a BIG difference to emotional eating

Could This Two-Letter Word Help You Stop Overeating? This week’s tip is super short but super important. It’s a major stumbling block for many many women on the weight loss journey. What am I talking about? It’s the inability to say “no”...
4 tips for thriving this Christmas

4 tips for thriving this Christmas

Are you one of the many women who’re dreading the holidays because of the “inevitable”weight gain? I’m so happy to share four tips on how you can navigate the Christmas holidays WITHOUT putting on any weight. 1. Stop giving yourself...
Are you accidentally supersizing yourself?

Are you accidentally supersizing yourself?

Hello, how are you? I’m Avril, weight loss hypnotherapist for women, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to your tip of the week to help you make peace with food. Thanks for being here. This week’s tip is all about eating from smaller bowls and smaller...


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