FREE CHECKLIST: 3 simple mistakes you need to STOP doing to lose weight

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Why Grandmothers Can Struggle With Weight Loss …

Why Grandmothers Can Struggle With Weight Loss … How often do you buy foods for the 'grandkids' ... and as soon as you get home, you demolish what you bought for the grandkids, yourself? It's okay. You're human! What I want you to start doing is stack the deck in your favour. Here's...

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Overweight and Overwhelmed? Mind Your Language…

Overweight and Overwhelmed? Mind Your Language… If you were using your words in a way that prevented weight loss, you'd want to know about it, wouldn't you? Here's the thing - our unconscious mind has a curious quirk. It's a quirk that most people don't know about. And because they're...

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Are you a woman of a ‘certain age?’

Are you a woman of a ‘certain age?’ “But Avril, I’ve let myself go so far for so long there’s no point even trying anymore.” It's something I hear a lot as a weight loss hypnotherapist for women. What they're really saying is: Unless they can turn back time and look like a...

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Why More Will Power NEVER Leads To A Slimmer You

Why More Will Power NEVER Leads To A Slimmer You Sooooooo many women say to me if I just had more will power, I could shift this weight. But it's not true. Relying on will power is a sure fire way to fail. We fool ourselves by thinking, “If I had more will power, I could resist that...

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The correlation between fun + the no. on the scales

The correlation between fun + the no. on the scales How much fun do you have in your day? No, really, I'm curious. The reason I ask is because something I've noticed with the many women I work with who are struggling with their weight—is the distinct lack of fun in their lives....

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