FREE CHECKLIST: 3 simple mistakes you need to STOP doing to lose weight

Free Tips

Do you want to lose some weight (but you love chocolate?)

Do you want to lose some weight (but you love chocolate?)   It's ok - you're not alone! I know most weight loss programmes tell us we can’t eat chocolate. But let's face it, those kinds of programmes make us feel deprived, which means our chocolate cravings go through the roof. You might be...

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What kind of ‘mind control’ is hypnotherapy?

What kind of ‘mind control’ is hypnotherapy?   Will hypnotherapy make me reveal deep, dark secrets? Or do embarrassing things against my will? It's a great question. You'd be amazed how often I'm asked. Many women are understandably nervous about the idea of ‘mind-control’....

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How to minimise snacking at work (or home)

How to minimise snacking at work (or home)   This week's making peace with food tip is all about stacking the deck in your favour in the workplace. But you can use this at home as well. What do I mean? As you sit there now, look about yourself. What foods are in your line of...

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3 tips for night-time eaters…

3 tips for night-time eaters…   Are you a night-time eater? Many of the women I work with in the clinic or the online programme Lighten Up, are night-time eaters. It's a very common issue. Many women talk about how it's easy to stay on track during the day at the...

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Oh no – my motivation has gone AWOL!

Oh no – my motivation has gone AWOL!   What do you do when your weight loss goal seems miles away, and your motivation has gone AWOL? Here's a simple tip you can apply immediately to kick start your motivation. In fact, you're watching this video blog right now as a...

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Two tricky words (that block weight loss)

Two tricky words (that block weight loss)   Would you like to know a super simple language mistake that many overweight women make? Let's see if you're making it as well. So many of the clients I work with talk about my fat thighs, my depression, my enormous appetite, my...

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What’s the S-Word in Weight Loss?

What’s the S-Word in Weight Loss?   Back when I was elbow-deep in my own personal food battle, I was scathingly dismissive of any kind of self-care. "How incredibly trivial it is!" I thought as I soldiered on, martyring myself. But, now that I have peace with food, I...

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Discover which of these 7 hidden psychological blocks are keeping you stuck in self-sabotage, feeling frustrated and from living in a body you love!

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