Archives June 2020

Are you stuck in a weight loss rut?


If this is you, I feel your frustration!

I got an email recently from a lady asking what she should do as she had plateaued.

Since we’re all unique human beings, it can be difficult to pinpoint one single cause of weight retention.

And since she’s not a client, I don’t know her specifics.

But generally speaking…. the most common cause for a plateau is that you’re doing too much mindless eating.

Probably more than you realise.

It’s a real trickster.

If you think about it, what makes us overweight in the first place, is that sneaky combination of eating while our attention is taken up with something else.

What is mindless eating?

Mindless eating is scoffing dinner in front of the TV.

It’s snacking on nuts while driving.

It’s chips and dips and wine while watching the game.

Here’s the deeply upsetting fact….

Mindless eaters overeat.

When we eat, while doing something else, we eat more than our body needs, which is why we plateau.

Makes sense, right?

So what can you do?

How to be more mindful.

Here’s what that looks like:

Sit down at the table to eat your dinner.

While you’re driving, drive.

While you’re watching the game, support your team.

Stop multitasking, ladies!!! Just because we can multitask, doesn’t mean we should!

Without mindful eating in your life, moving from that plateau is nearly impossible.

But with a little mindfulness,  that frustrating plateau will soon be in the rear-view mirror.



If you’d like help moving off that plateau – hypnosis can help – Lighten Up might be for you.



How to stop betraying your own heart…


How often do you lament “I’m far too busy with the kids, or work, or changing the world, I don’t have time to get to the gym!!!!”

It’s ok; I have some juicy justifications of my own that I role out from time to time!!!

We all know telling ourselves why we couldn’t do the thing we said we’d do — prevents us from shifting the weight.

We know that.

We’ve all seen the bumper sticker — you can have results, or you can have excuses.

The deeper tragedy

Having worked with hundreds of women, I’ve discovered when we let ourselves off the hook with justifications, rationalisations and excuses— there’s a much deeper tragedy playing out here.

You know the pain of betrayal you feel when someone you love lies to you? Horrible, isn’t it.

We lose trust in them. It’s human nature.

When we justify, rationalise, and come up with BS excuses as to why we did or didn’t do a thing, guess what happens?

We do it to ourselves…

We quietly break our own heart, and we stop trusting our own word.

And we damage that fragile connection. We’re betraying ourselves.

If you really must make stuff up, channel it into fanciful bedtime stories for your kids!!!

But stop bs-ing yourself.

Because your relationship, your connection – with yourself – is far too precious.

How to re-build trust again

And you can start re-building that fragile connection with yourself by being honest — surgically honest— with yourself.

Instead of blaming something or someone else for why you didn’t go for a walk, be honest enough to recognise you chose not to go.

Because it IS a choice.

Justification, rationalisation and BS excuses are a habit, and habits can be changed.

If you’d like help to re-build your relationship with yourself – so you trust yourself to do what you said you’d do – Lighten Up might be for you.


How to lose weight (and stop blaming your mum!)


As a child, were you taught to eat everything on your plate?

If yes, today’s blog is for you.

The soundtrack to many of our childhoods was our mum or dad’s voice saying “you’re not leaving the table until your plate is clean, Missy.”

Growing up with this mealtime rule means many women – adult women – are stepping away from their dining tables feeling extremely bloated.

So if you’re saying “I can’t lose weight because my mum made me eat everything on my plate” then…lovely…

It’s truth time.

I’m declaring a statute of limitations on how long we can blame our parents for how they raised us!!!

You’re not a child anymore.

I get it.


Maybe you were punished if you didn’t clean your plate. Hundreds of women have shared memories about how there was:

-no telly

-no ice-cream

-no toys

…. until the plate was clean.

Who’s the boss?

Here’s the thing…

when you were six, your mum was the boss of you!

But who’s the boss of you now?

Anytime you overeat into that place of “omg my waistband is too tight”, that’s YOU punishing YOU.

You’re an adult now.

You have choices you didn’t have as a child.

When are you going to hand in your resignation to your parents’ Clean Plate Club? It’s well overdue!!!

Eating everything on your plate is a habit, and habits can be changed.

And I promise, your mum will be totally fine with it!

If you’d like help removing your mum’s voice from your head – so you can be the boss of you and how much your eat- then Lighten Up might be for you.


How to stop procrastinating on your weight loss


Are you telling yourself ” blimey my jeans are tight, “I’ll start watching my weight after lockdown!”?

You’re in good company! Lots of women are.

The problem with promises of “I’ll eat better at some future date” is that those dates are completely meaningless.

If we’re honest, surgically honest with ourselves, what we’re saying is:

Right now, I won’t commit to myself.

And we know that future date n.e.v.e.r. e.v.e.r arrives.

Because when lockdown finally lifts, we’ll move the goalposts and delay our start date again and again and again

And here’s the real kicker…

In the meantime, we use the “I’ll start being healthier when lockdown’s over” to justify mindlessly eating rubbish today.

We know what that means:

We lose our confidence.

And our jeans get even tighter.

Because we’ve fallen for our own lie.

So what can you do instead, gorgeous?

Always start now.

In this breath.

In this moment.


Being your happy shape and size is all about nourishing your body now.

Not at some future made-up-date that’ll never arrive.

Stop tricking yourself, stop delaying, and start making more nourishing choices today.

If you’d like to dive deeper into the habits that prevent you from being your happy shape and size, why not join my free community – Peace With Food – so you can live the joyful life you truly crave?